A goal extended: Money & Power


Long-term money assets - demanded by Households and supplied by Government - are created in the form of domain specific bonds (Consols). Domain bonds match in ratio the composition of latest spending (by function) undertaken by the UK Government proper. Each domain may have, but does not have to have, a unique policy interest rate. Central Bank rate adjustments to one or more policy rates would seek to balance, as necessary, the investments made by Households via their asset portfolio calculations.

I hope that in building the model I will gain a better, if bounded, understanding of the UK Government money system: Sufficient knowledge to build a framework from which to create and test some simple strategies to help hedge the ups and downs of my small, real-world, bond fund. See my personal site .


I will add a simple Energy agent to the model in order to learn about UK geography as well as the change over time in the composition of electricity generating fuels. The energy_mix, stock_energy and flow_energy are attributes of the Energy agent. Energy mix is the ratio of electricity generating fuels used by Producer agent(s) to provide the demands of both Government and Household agent(s) respectively. One monetary unit of demands will require one unit of energy to fulfil.